4 Defensive Driving Tips to Help You Avoid Getting into a Car Accident

When it comes to staying safe on the roadway, defensive driving is one great way to do so. This involves being mindful of what other drivers are doing while on the roadway. Here are four great defensive driving tips you should be implementing to reduce your risk of being involved in a car accident.

distracted driving

Don’t Tailgate

Tailgating is the name given to the practice of following too closely to the vehicle in front of you. This drastically reduces your time to slow down when the person in front of you stops. When the person in front of you stops suddenly, tailgating makes it very likely that you’ll wreck into the rear of their car. It’s recommended that you leave at least two car lengths between the front of your car and the rear bumper of the car that you’re following.

Put Your Turn Signal On Early

One of the biggest causes of an accident is people changing lanes or deciding to take a turn at the last minute. Using a turn signal early will allow others around you to understand your intentions. Those following you will know that they need to slow down because you’re getting ready to turn. Or, they will give you adequate space to change lanes. Failing to use a turn signal could run you into major problems where you’ll need the assistance of a car accident lawyer.

Don’t Speed Quickly When a Light Turns Green

We’ve all seen that person who knows that the light has turned red, but they proceed through the intersection anyway. To save yourself from being involved in one of these accidents, it’s always good practice to give it a few seconds before going when the light turns green. This way, any cars that are attempting to run the red light can be easily spotted, and you can stop your car to avoid a collision.

Avoid Driving Distracted

With so many distractions these days, it can be very easy to get distracted while driving. You should do your best to avoid potential distractions. For example, you should put your phone on silent or connect it to your car. This way, you can use your steering wheel buttons to talk to the caller. You should never take your eyes off of the road to answer your phone or send a text.

Defensive driving is a great way to reduce your risk of being involved in a car accident. There are many good practices that constitute the overall behavior of defensive driving. The above are four great practices that you should be using every time you get behind the wheel.

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