Maintenance Tips You Need to Remember for a Car Under 50k Miles

In today’s world of long-lasting vehicles, a car with under 50,000 miles is really just getting started. At the same time, it’s still important to focus on proper maintenance during the first 50,000 miles to set your car up for success for the rest of its life. Keeping these basic maintenance tips in mind will help make your ownership experience much more enjoyable.

Oil Changes Are Crucial

oil change

No matter how old your vehicle is, oil changes are a crucial part of regular vehicle maintenance. In fact, in newer engines, oil changes are even more important to ensure that the fresh metal doesn’t create excess friction while the engine gets broken in. Typically, you’ll want to change your oil approximately every 5,000 to 10,000 miles, depending on your driving style and the type of oil you use.

Tires Might Need to Be Replaced

Since most tires are rated to last about 50,000 miles, you’ll probably need to start considering replacement before you hit the 50,000-mile mark. Buying a quality set of tires to replace your existing tires can help improve the quality of your ride and ensure that you stay safe in treacherous road conditions. To help your tires get as close to 50,000 miles as possible, it’s important to have them rotated approximately every 5,000 miles.

Don’t Forget Your Brakes

New cars come with enhanced safety features, such as blind-spot detection, backup cameras, and more. However, every vehicle’s most important safety feature is one of its most basic: the brakes. Therefore, it’s important to keep an eye on your brakes each time you have your vehicle in for maintenance. Depending on your driving habits, you may need to replace your brake pads as often as every 20,000 miles, meaning this is something you’ll likely need to do at least once before your car hits 50,000 miles.

Protect the Exterior

To keep your car looking great for many years, it’s important to take steps to protect its exterior as part of your normal maintenance procedures. Simply washing the exterior on a regular basis can help prevent contaminants on the surface of the car from etching into the paint. Of course, adding a coat of wax every now and then will also pay big dividends in protecting your car’s like-new appearance.

Every vehicle manufacturer provides clear guidelines as to when certain maintenance procedures should be performed. Since these companies have a vested interest in providing reliable vehicles, it makes sense to listen to their advice. Therefore, by simply following the recommended maintenance schedule in your owner’s manual, you can help to take great care of your car, both now and in the future.

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