Deadly Dangers of Keyless Remotes

It’s that time of year to grab your keyless remotes to warm up your car before you head out. Winter has hit us a little early this year with the snowy cold. Lucky for you we had the opportunity to chat with the team at to remind our readers about some things to keep in mind when letting your car warm up.

Made for convenience, it is hard to imagine how keyless remotes could put us in danger.  These devices make it easy to lock or unlock our doors, roll down windows, or even start our vehicle from a distance.  While they do make our lives easier, they also come with some dangers that you need to be aware of.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning from Automobiles

As your car engine runs, carbon monoxide is produced in the exhaust gases.  As most people know, carbon monoxide is deadly when it builds up inside an enclosed space.  Cars and other devices that burn fuel, such as generators, should only be used outside and away from your home or garage.

If a car idles in a garage, for example, the garage will become filled with carbon monoxide.  Since carbon monoxide is odorless, anyone inside the garage would not be aware of the presence of this deadly gas.  They would breathe the carbon monoxide, and quickly become ill as their body becomes starved for oxygen.

Particularly in the cold winter months, people like to start their cars so that the cabin can become warm before their trip.  This is one of the most common things that causes carbon monoxide poisoning from automobiles.  People may start their vehicles in an attached garage or basement area without proper ventilation.  As the car warms, carbon monoxide begins to enter the home and can quickly become deadly.

How Keyless Remotes Raise Your Risk

Keyless remotes increase your odds of accidental carbon monoxide poisoning because they make it so easy to start the vehicle.  You could potentially forget that the car is inside the garage, and once you start it with your remote, carbon monoxide begins entering the home.  You could also start the vehicle with good intentions, but then get distracted and forget that the car is still running.

How to Avoid Danger

The single biggest way to avoid danger with your keyless remote is to never start the vehicle unless it is outdoors.  Even raising the garage door is not good enough to provide proper ventilation.  Move the car outside and at least 20 feet away from the home before allowing it to sit and idle.  This will ensure that carbon monoxide does not find its way inside the home.

How to Handle a Vehicle with No Audible Alarm

Vehicles today do not come equipped with carbon monoxide detectors because they cannot withstand the extreme temperatures they would experience inside the vehicle.  However, you can place a battery powered CO detector inside the vehicle if you are concerned that carbon monoxide may be present.  Again, never run the vehicle inside an enclosed space, and make sure that the equipment, particularly the exhaust system, is functioning properly.

By following the advice laid out above, you should be able to avoid the potential dangers caused by keyless remotes.  Make sure that everyone in your home is aware of these safety precautions.  Used in a safe and responsible manner, you should have no issues with a keyless remote, and you should get much use from this beneficial device!

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