6 DIY Car Maintenance Tips For Everyone

Today we had the opportunity to go over some DIY car maintenance tips with Craig Lyons – the GM over at Vince’s Towing. With tons of experience in the industry, Craig and his team have seen every problem imaginable that will leave motorists stranded on the side of the road.

Whether you just bought a new model or have had yours for years, you want to keep your car in top condition. Not only will proper car maintenance help ensure that your vehicle will run reliably every time you start it, but it also could save you a significant amount of money in the long run because it can prevent problems caused by neglect. That’s why, no matter how serious you are about your car, knowing how to perform a few simple types of maintenance can be extremely helpful.

Here are six basic car maintenance tips for keeping your vehicle in good shape:


The number of quick-service lube shops that dot the highways are a testament to how few people change their oil themselves these days. Although it’s a little more involved than some of the other tips on this list, it’s still well within your capabilities. It also gets easier with practice. You’ll need the right tools first and foremost. These include a jack, drain pan and oil filter wrench. The one-time investment beats shelling out a fistful of cash every 3,000 miles.


Your engine needs numerous fluids to keep it running smoothly in all conditions. One of the most important of these fluids is the coolant. If you don’t have enough, it could overheat and cause big problems at the worst possible time. Check the level yourself by looking for the reservoir under your hood. On most models, this container is translucent and allows you to see how much you have at a glance.


An air filter is not expensive, but paying someone to replace yours can be. Consult your owner’s manual to find the location of your engine air and cabin filters. Most of the time, they will be located in an easy-to-access container under the hood. You may need to loosen a few screws to get inside. However, that’s all the more reason to avoid giving someone else your money to do something so simple.


If your stereo system or interior lights suddenly stop working, you may not need to bring your vehicle into the shop. Your car’s fuse box should be located near the steering wheel or the glove compartment. Once you find it, look up the fuse associated with the malfunctioning item in your manual. Swapping in a fresh one may be all you need to do. If that doesn’t do the trick, you might have a wiring problem or something else that requires professional help. Since fuses are cheap and easy to replace, it’s at least worth a try.


Many people assume that a burnt-out headlight or brake light is something that must be fixed by a mechanic. Although it may be a little hard to access, depending on your make and model, this is something you can do in your garage. In most cases, it’s a matter of twisting the old bulb out of the housing and twisting the new one back into it. Your manual should tell you which type of replacement bulbs to buy. Be sure you don’t mix up the headlight and taillight bulbs, because they may be different.


Washing the exterior of your ride is one of the easiest, most cost-effective ways to keep your car in like-new condition. Obviously, the longer dirt, dust and bug guts linger on your finish, the dingier it will look. To keep grime and other elements from scouring and eroding your paint job, a bucket of soapy water, a hose and some microfiber towels are all you need.

For new car owners and car enthusiasts alike, follow this advice, and you should be able to save some money and help your vehicle last longer.

Craig Lyons is General Manager of Vince’s Towing, a towing service in Evergreen Park, IL. He has more than 20 years of experience in the automotive and towing industry as an owner of several auto repair businesses. Lyons also has been a crew member on several professional race teams. 

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