4 Reasons Your Car Is Shaking And What To Do About It

While there have been plenty of songs written about good vibrations and shaking, there is never any reason to be happy when your car is shaking as you roll down the highway. When this happens, it is highly likely you’ve got a car problem that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. While some causes of car shaking can be easily remedied, others may require more extensive repairs. If you’re wondering why your car is shaking and what can be done about it, here are four possible causes and their solutions.

Bad Spark Plugs

If your car starts shaking when you press down on its accelerator, this may mean you need to change the spark plugs or perhaps have bad plug wires that need to be repaired or replaced. Should this be the case, it’s a simple repair that can be done by any mechanic or perhaps even yourself.

Poor Alignment

When cars start shaking on a regular basis, especially as they gain speed, it is often a problem with alignments. Most of the time, this will center on your vehicle’s tires. If the tread is worn unevenly due to a lack of being regularly rotated and balanced, this can over time put your car out of alignment, leading to vibrations that only get worse. To correct the problem, have your tires rotated or replaced if they are badly worn, and have your car properly aligned and balanced while it’s up on the rack.

Warped Brake Rotors

brake rotor repalcement

If you drive your car quite a bit in stop-and-go traffic, this will lead to significant wear and tear on your brakes. Over time, the result may be warped brake rotors. When this happens, your car’s brake pads cannot get a proper grip as you apply the brakes, leading to shaking and vibrating. A somewhat complex repair, you should have this done only by a mechanic who specializes in brake repair.

Clogged Fuel or Air Filter

Last but not least, your car’s shaking could be the result of a clogged air or fuel filter. If either of these are clogged with dirt, your engine can’t get the fuel or oxygen it needs to power your car. Relatively simple to replace, you can replace these yourself or take your car to a garage for a quick fix.

If you experience your car shaking or vibrating while on the road, don’t ignore the problem. Instead, schedule an appointment with a mechanic to correct the problem and ensure you stay safe when behind the wheel.

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