
Sponsor and Advertising Packages

Highperformancejunkies is a fast growing website dedicated to educating and helping automotive enthusiasts and owners alike to modify, maintain and repair their vehicles.

We here at highperformancejunkies.com welcome both sponsors and advertisers to our site and we offer the following packages:

Sponsorship – $165/year

Sponsorship includes a single 160×55 logo banner located in the right hand sidebar of all desktop / tablets and at the bottom of the page on mobile screens. This banner will show up on all pages of our website and link back to the URL of your choice. In addition, you will be recognized as a sponsor with a banner in “our sponsors” section of the website.


All advertising packages are sold on a CPM (cost per thousand impressions) basis unless otherwise noted. For pricing and availability please contact us using the form below.

Why advertise with us?

The simple answer is because we strive to set ourselves apart from other automotive sites. We are all a community as automotive enthusiasts. Part of building a bridge to knowledge of the “how to” is also building a bridge to the knowledge of “where to buy” and “what works”. For this reason not only have we spent countless hours documenting valuable information for our readers, we have also invested in many ways that will help businesses reach these markets. Our readers trust us because we are honest and that will never change. Never will we give advice or recommend something we haven’t used on our own vehicles with great success.

We currently offer the following advertising sizes:

Desktop / Tablet
• 160×600
• 728×90
• 320×50
• 160×240
• 160×125
• 300×250 content injected
• Text links * priced per year

• 320×50
• 300×250 content injected
• Text links * priced per year

In addition to the above sizing, we also have the ability to display your ads based on :
• Timezones / Days of the week
• Geographical Locations
• Devices
• Browser sizes
• Specific pages and more

For more information and pricing, or if you would like to advertise on our site, please fill out the form below.

[contact-form to=”mike@highperformancejunkies.com” subject=”Sponsorship opportunity”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”What would you like to inquire about?” type=”select” required=”1″ options=”Sponsorship,Advertising,Other”][contact-field label=”Comment” type=”textarea” required=”1″][/contact-form]

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