Camaro Videos

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Below is video footage of  my camaro at different times:

Got the Corsa exhaust and 3″ Y-pipe installed in the new LS1 camaro, figured I’d take a few videos of how it sounds! Idle / reving  / drive-by

This is a video of the 3800 I took this spring after pulling the car out of winter storage. I never really had an idle only video, so this should give everyone a good idea of how the car sounds on a daily basis

Latest and fastest pass to date. 13.4 @ 100.77mph.

Another view of the 13.4 second pass. Front end looks a little loose to me in my opinion. Just a few things to a adjust for the spring.

Another 13.4 video racing a SRT8 jeep. Unfortunately it was my only loss of this year.

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