Aftermarket intake manifolds for the 3800 v6 community is non existent unless you go out and build your own unit. However, our Aussie partners were given a much better design than us over here in Canada/USA. The runners are a tad longer, and the design is much simpler allowing someone with a few fabrication skills to utilize this design and customize a unit to their liking.
There aren’t many individuals running these intakes on this side of the world, mainly due to the fact that they are tough to get your hands on.

The above manifold isn’t bolted in, so don’t mind the gap you see between the manifold and the head. A number of parts will need to be modified/relocated in order to allow this manifold to work, but I will go through that when I eventually finish the custom piece and install it on the car.
I am fairly certain that this entire manifold setup weighs less than our stock unit as well, but until I actually pull the pieces back out of the car, I won’t say that for certain.
The original plan for this unit was to build a custom ITB (individual throttle body) setup. The issues of tuning a setup like that without going to a standalone unit are too complicated at this time. The plans have since changed to a new front mounted dual throttle-body setup. It is a slight compromise to the original plan, but it will be easier to tune in the end with a few less headaches.
I’ll post updated pictures and results as this project progresses. The custom manifold will begin to be built this coming Spring/Summer 2013.
So here you have it, I finally got my hands on the drawings for what will likely be my first prototype intake manifold. It will be built out of a solid block of aluminum (run through the CNC), with a removable top so that it can be bolted to the lower intake manifold with ease.
We’re hoping to have this constructed sometime this summer and it will be bolted to the 3800 Camaro for testing. I’ll be looking to do a dyno pull before and after installation, just to see how effective this piece ends up being.
So are the lower intake manifolds a direct swap between the Camaro L36 and the Holden engine ?
Outside of spacing to the upper cowl it is a direct swap. There is some good information and a writeup from a few guys that have swapped the holden intake manifold into their camaro’s on
Haha I’m in Aussie with a vx commodore running the 3800 and I’m looking to aiming similar using your lower intake with custom upper intake are you able to give any details into what if any mods were required to adapt the lower intake to your engine or was the lower a simple bolt in I know its an old thread but just curious to see how things went with your project. Email replies to cheers